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The Effects of Controlled Environment on the Growth of Hydrogenomonas Bacteria in Continuous CulturesThe continuous culture of Hydrogenomonas is the intermediate step of a three-step closed life support cycle directed to the conversion of the human metabolic wastes, urea and carbon dioxide, into breathable oxygen and a food supplement. The potential advantages of this scheme have been discussed in an earlier paper. The other two steps of the complete cycle are: (1) The collection and recovery of the C02 removed from the cabin atmosphere by a regenerable C02 absorber, so that relatively pure C02 gas can be fed into the gas phase of the continuous culture; and (2) the electrolysis of water to produce breathable oxygen for the cabin supply, and by-product hydrogen, which is also fed to the gas phase of the closed culture vessel. There are three specific advantages in the use of this culture: (1) the bacteria use waste urea as a sole nitrogen source during growth, together with the C02 waste as a carbon source; the harvested excess of cells from a steady-state culture is a potential food for man; (2) the organism is not photosynthetic, so the equipment designer need not confine the culture in thin layers to have light available to all parts as is necessary in photosynthesis; and (3) the culture uses the by-product hydrogen from electrolysis as an energy source. Some oxygen must also be supplied to the culture environment, because the energy of the growth process is derived from the metabolic hydrogen-oxygen reaction, with the production of water that can be recycled to the electrolysis cell.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
John F Foster
(Battelle Memorial Institute Boulder, Colorado, USA)
John H Litchfield
(Battelle Memorial Institute Boulder, Colorado, USA)
Date Acquired
August 3, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1967
Publication Information
Publication: The Closed Life-Support System
Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Volume: NASA-SP-134
Subject Category
Meeting Information
Meeting: The Closed Life-Support System Conference
Location: Moffett Field, CA
Country: US
Start Date: April 14, 1966
End Date: April 15, 1966
Sponsors: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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