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Phased Project Planning GuidelinesNHB 7121.2 is the initial publication of the guidelines for implementation of the Phased Project Planning (PPP) concept prescribed by NPD 7121,1A. These guidelines are applicable to the planning and approval activities which lead to the implementation of major new research and development projects as defined in NPD 7121.1A as well as to major modifications or extensions of approved projects. They should, therefore, be reflected in the Project Approval Documents which serve as the basic documentation for project definition, guidance and control throughout NASA. The purpose of PPP is to provide, through defined phases, an adequate basis for management decisions on the extent to which project activities can be properly undertaken and commitments made. However, these guidelines do not prescribe detailed format and content of plans and other documents and reports used to apply the PPP concept. Similarly, the work content of phases and the information requirements described herein are not checklists. They are included to assist in understanding the intent of the PPP concept and should not be viewed as rigid or inflexible. PPP, as a concept for orderly planning and definition of new major R&D undertakings, must be adapted to the peculiarities of each individual case. However, the flexibility permitted for adaptation should not be considered as a license for major variation which would compromise the objectives that underlie the concept. Cognizant NASA officials are expected to pursue their project planning and definition activities in reasonable conformance with these guidelines and to request only those exceptions or deviations which are clearly necessary and justified. These guidelines will be modified as determined necessary on the basis of experience. Comments or suggestions for changes should be directed to the Office of Organization and Management.
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Date Acquired
August 6, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 1968
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NHB-7121.2
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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