Lunar atmospheric composition results from Apollo 17The Apollo 17 mass spectrometer has confirmed the existence of helium, neon, argon, and possibly molecular hydrogen in the lunar atmosphere. Helium and neon concentrations are in agreement with model predictions based on the solar wind as a source and their being noncondensable gases. Ar-40 and Ar-36 both exhibit a predawn enhancement which indicates that they are condensable gases on the nightside and are re-released into the atmosphere at the sunrise terminator. Hydrogen probably exists in the lunar atmosphere in the molecular rather than atomic state, having been released from the surface in the molecular form. Total nighttime gas concentration of known species in the lunar atmosphere is 200,000 molecules/cu cm.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Hoffmann, J. H.
Hodges, R. R., Jr.
Johnson, F. S. (Texas, University Dallas, Tex., United States)
Evans, D. E. (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, Tex., United States)