Feasibility Study of a Satellite Solar Power StationA feasibility study of a satellite solar power station (SSPS) was conducted to: (1) explore how an SSPS could be flown and controlled in orbit; (2) determine the techniques needed to avoid radio frequency interference (RFI); and (3) determine the key environmental, technological, and economic issues involved. Structural and dynamic analyses of the SSPS structure were performed, and deflections and internal member loads were determined. Desirable material characteristics were assessed and technology developments identified. Flight control performance of the SSPS baseline design was evaluated and parametric sizing studies were performed. The study of RFI avoidance techniques covered (1) optimization of the microwave transmission system; (2) device design and expected RFI; and (3) SSPS RFI effects. The identification of key issues involved (1) microwave generation, transmissions, and rectification and solar energy conversion; (2) environmental-ecological impact and biological effects; and (3) economic issues, i.e., costs and benefits associated with the SSPS. The feasibility of the SSPS based on the parameters of the study was established.
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Legacy CDMS
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Glaser, P. E. (Little (Arthur D.), Inc. Cambridge, MA, United States)
Maynard, O. E. (Raytheon Co. Sudbury, Mass., United States)
Mackovciak, J. J. R. (Grumman Aerospace Corp. Bethpage, Mass., United States)
Ralph, E. I. (Spectrolab, Inc., Sylmar Calif., United States)