Astrodynamics 1975; Conference, Nassau, Bahamas, July 28-30, 1975, Technical PapersArticles are grouped under four headings: (1) dynamics and control of satellites; (2) satellite mission analysis; (3) Aeros-B and Symphonie satellite engineering problems; (4) optimization and control techniques applied to solar space heating and cooling of buildings. Topics covered include: communications and earth survey satellite systems, a system of two counter-orbiting satellites measuring GRT-predicted nodal drag, statistical mechanics studies of the spatial density function of orbiting space junk, attitude control of satellites, nutation dampers, low thrust inertial guidance and ascent inertial guidance, a shuttle-launched multi-comet intercept mission, preflight and in-flight analysis of the Atmosphere Explorer (AE-C) satellite, and launch-encounter strategy for the Mariner 1977 Jupiter-Saturn mission. Individual items are announced in this issue.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Powers, W. F. (Michigan, University Ann Arbor, Mich., United States)
Rauch, H. E. (Lockheed Research Laboratories Palo Alto, Calif., United States)
Tapley, B. D. (Texas, University Austin, Tex., United States)
Velez, C. E. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Md., United States)
Date Acquired
August 8, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1976
Subject Category
Meeting Information
Meeting: Astrodynamics 1975
Location: Nassau
Country: Bahamas
Start Date: July 28, 1975
End Date: July 30, 1975
Sponsors: American Astronautical Society and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics San Diego, Calif.