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Chemical composition of crystalline rock fragments from Luna 16 and Luna 20 finesThe chemical composition (bulk, rare earth, and trace elements) of the Luna 16 mare regolith and luna 20 highland regolith is discussed. The rock samples considered are 14 basaltic rock fragments (Luna 16) and 13 rock fragments of the ANT suite (Luna 20). On the basis of bulk composition, two types of basaltic rocks have been differentiated and defined in the Luna 16 regolith: mare basalts (fundamental crystalline rocks of Mare Fecunditatis) and high-alumina basalts. The bulk analyses of rock fragments of the ANT suite also enabled distinction of two rock types: anorthositic norites and troctolites and/or spinal-troctolites (the most abundant crystalline rocks of the highland region, the landing site of luna 20), and anorthosites. The chemical compositions of Luna 16 and Luna 20 regolith samples are compared. Differences in the chemistry of the Luna 16 mare regolith and that of mare basalts are discussed. The chemical affinity between the Luna 20 highland regolith and (a) anorthositic norites and (b) troctolites and/or spinel-troctolites has been ascertained.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Cimbalnikova, A.
(Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved Prague., United States)
Palivcova, M.
(Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved Prague., United States)
Frana, J.
(Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved Prague., United States)
Mastalka, A.
(Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved Prague., United States)
Date Acquired
August 9, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1977
Publication Information
Publication: NASA, Washington The Soviet-Am. Conf. on Cosmochem. of the Moon and Planets, pt. 1
Subject Category
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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