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Configuration development study of the X-24C hypersonic research airplaneBottom line results were made of a three-phase study to determine the feasibility of designing, building, and operating, and maintaining an air-launched high performance aircraft capable of cruising at speeds up to Mach 8 for short durations. The results show that Lockalloy heat-sink structure affords the capability for a 'work-horse' vehicle which can serve as an excellent platform for this research. It was further concluded that the performance of a blended wing body configuration surpassed that of a lifting body design for typical X-24C missions. The cost of a two vehicle program, less engines, B-52 modification and contractor support after delivery, can be kept within $70M (in Jan. 1976 dollars).
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Combs, H. G.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Campbell, D. H.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Cassidy, M. D.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Sumpter, C. D.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Seitz, E.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Kachel, B. J.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
James, R. P.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Walters, J.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Love, J.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Passon, R. T.
(Lockheed-California Co. Burbank, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 3, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1977
Subject Category
Aircraft Design, Testing And Performance
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA-CR-145274
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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