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Minor planets and related objects. XXVII - Lightcurves of 887 AlindaEleven light curves and UBV photometry of the Amor asteroid Alinda, a candidate for having a cometary origin, are analyzed. A probable rotation period of 73 h 58 m + or - 3 m (p.e.) is derived on the assumption of two maxima and two minima per cycle in a composite light curve. An absolute V magnitude of 14.10 + or - 0.08 and a phase coefficient of 0.042 + or - 0.003 mag/deg in V are obtained, along with a B-V color of 0.86 + or - 0.02 and a U-B color of 0.50 + or - 0.05, both extrapolated to zero phase. The rotation period is shown to be the longest yet observed for an asteroid. It is concluded that the colors of Alinda are not unusual for an asteroid, that Alinda is probably not an extinct cometary nucleus, that the slow rotation may be a consequence of one or more collisions, and that the pole of Alinda may be nearly perpendicular to the ecliptic.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
External Source(s)
Dunlap, J. L.
(Arizona Univ. Tucson, AZ, United States)
Taylor, R. C.
(Arizona, University Tucson, Ariz., United States)
Date Acquired
August 9, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1979
Publication Information
Publication: Astronomical Journal
Volume: 84
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Exploration
Accession Number
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