A hybrid water-splitting cycle using copper sulfate and mixed copper oxidesThe Institute of Gas Technology has derived and developed a hybrid thermochemical water-splitting cycle based on mixed copper oxides and copper sulfate. Similar to other metal oxide-metal sulfate cycles that use a metal oxide to 'concentrate' electrolytically produced sulfuric acid, this cycle offers the advantage of producing oxygen (to be vented) and sulfur dioxide (to be recycled) in separate steps, thereby eliminating the need of another step to separate these gases. The conceptual process flow-sheet efficiency of the cycle promises to exceed 50%. It has been completely demonstrated in the laboratory with recycled materials. Research in the electrochemical oxidation of sulfur dioxide to produce sulfuric acid and hydrogen performed at IGT indicates that the cell performance goals of 200 mA/sq cm at 0.5 V will be attainable using relatively inexpensive electrode materials.
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Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Schreiber, J. D. (Institute of Gas Technology Chicago, IL, United States)
Remick, R. J. (Institute of Gas Technology Chicago, IL, United States)
Foh, S. E. (Institute of Gas Technology Chicago, IL, United States)
Mazumder, M. M. (Institute of Gas Technology Chicago, Ill., United States)