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A method of defining topographic datums of planetary bodiesSince no known planetary bodies in the solar system other than the earth have large bodies of water, a topographical datum other than a sea-level reference must be used as a zero-elevation reference surface. The present paper discusses the definition of the topographic datums of Mars and the moon in terms of a gravity-level surface. Planetary gravitational field potentials were represented by a spherical harmonic expansion in terms of gravity coefficients measured by planetary orbiters, and the topographical datum was taken as the sum of an arbitrarily selected radius of the mean sphere and the radial deviation from the mean sphere. The datum defined for Mars on the basis of Mariner 9 data can be approximated as a triaxial ellipsoid with semimajor axes of 3394.6 and 3393.3 km and semiminor axis of 3376.3 km, based on a mean radius of 3382.9 km. For the moon, Lunar Orbiter IV tracking and ranging data give a datum approximated by a triaxial figure with semimajor axes 1738.30 and 1738.18 km and semiminor axis 1737.65 km, based on a mean radius of 1738 km. A topographic datum of Venus is also planned based on Pioneer-Venus gravity data.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Wu, S. S. C.
(U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Astrogeologic Studies, Flagstaff AZ, United States)
Date Acquired
August 11, 2013
Publication Date
March 1, 1981
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Exploration
Accession Number
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