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Droplet Impingement and Ingestion by Supersonic Nose Inlet in Subsonic Tunnel ConditionsThe amount of water in cloud droplet form ingested by a full-scale supersonic nose inlet with conical centerbody was measured in the NACA Lewis icing tunnel. Local and total water impingement rates on the cowl and centerbody surfaces were also obtained. All measurements were made with a dye-tracer technique. The range of operating and meteorological conditions studied was: angles of attack of 0 deg and 4.2 deg, volume-median droplet diameters from about 11 to 20 microns, and ratios of inlet to free-stream velocity from about 0.4 to 1.8. Although the inlet was designed for supersonic (Mach 2.0) operation of the aircraft, the tunnel measurements were confined to a free-stream velocity of 156 knots (Mach 0.237). The data are extendable to other subsonic speeds and droplet sizes by dimensionless impingement parameters. Impingement and ingestion efficiencies are functions of the ratio of inlet to free-stream velocity as well as droplet size. For the model and range of conditions studied, progressively increasing the inlet velocity ratio from less than to greater than 1.0 increased the centerbody impingement efficiency and shifted the cowl impingement region from the inner- to outer-cowl surfaces, respectively. The ratio of water ingested by the inlet plane to that contained in a free-stream tube of cross section equal to that at the inlet plane also increased with increasing inlet velocity ratio. Theoretically calculated values of inlet water (or droplet) ingestion are in good agreement with experiment for annular inlet configurations.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Other - NACA Technical Note
Gelder, Thomas F.
(National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Lewis Flight Propulsion Lab. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 11, 2013
Publication Date
May 1, 1958
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NACA-TN-4268
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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