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The Calculated and Measured Performance Characteristics of a Heated-Wire Liquid-Water-Content Meter for Measuring Icing SeverityGround tests have been made of an instrument which, when assembled in a more compact form for flight installation, could be used to obtain statistical flight data on the liquid-water content of icing clouds and to provide an indication of icing severity. The sensing element of the instrument consists of an electrically heated wire which is mounted in the air stream. The degree of cooling of the wire resulting from evaporation of the impinging water droplets is a measure. of the liquid-water content of the cloud. Determination of the value of the liquid-water content from the wire temperature at any instant requires a knowledge of the airspeed, altitude, and air temperature. An analysis was made of the temperature response of a heated wire exposed to an air stream containing water drops. Comparisons were made of the liquid-water content as measured with several heated wires and absorbent cylinders in an artificially produced cloud. For one of the wires, comparative tests were made with a rotating-disk icing-rate meter in an icing wind tunnel. From the test results, it was shown that an instrument for measuring the concentration of liquid water in an air stream can be built using an electrically heated wire of known temperatureresistance characteristics, and that the performance of such a device can be predicted using appropriate theory. Although an instrument in a form suitable for gathering statistical data in flight was not built, the practicability of constructing such an instrument was illustrated. The ground-test results indicated that a flight heated-wire instrument would be simple and durable, would respond rapidly to variations in liquid-water content, and could be used for the measurement of water content in clouds which are above freezing temperature, as well as in icing clouds.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Other - NACA Technical Note
Neel, Carr B.
(National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Ames Aeronautical Lab. Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Steinmetz, Charles P.
(National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Ames Aeronautical Lab. Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 11, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1952
Subject Category
Instrumentation And Photography
Report/Patent Number
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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