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Advanced stratified charge rotary aircraft engine design studyA technology base of new developments which offered potential benefits to a general aviation engine was compiled and ranked. Using design approaches selected from the ranked list, conceptual design studies were performed of an advanced and a highly advanced engine sized to provide 186/250 shaft Kw/HP under cruise conditions at 7620/25,000 m/ft altitude. These are turbocharged, direct-injected stratified charge engines intended for commercial introduction in the early 1990's. The engine descriptive data includes tables, curves, and drawings depicting configuration, performance, weights and sizes, heat rejection, ignition and fuel injection system descriptions, maintenance requirements, and scaling data for varying power. An engine-airframe integration study of the resulting engines in advanced airframes was performed on a comparative basis with current production type engines. The results show airplane performance, costs, noise & installation factors. The rotary-engined airplanes display substantial improvements over the baseline, including 30 to 35% lower fuel usage.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Badgley, P.
(Curtiss-Wright Corp. Wood-Ridge, NJ, United States)
Berkowitz, M.
(Curtiss-Wright Corp. Wood-Ridge, NJ, United States)
Jones, C.
(Curtiss-Wright Corp. Wood-Ridge, NJ, United States)
Myers, D.
(Curtiss-Wright Corp. Wood-Ridge, NJ, United States)
Norwood, E.
(Curtiss-Wright Corp. Wood-Ridge, NJ, United States)
Pratt, W. B.
(Curtiss-Wright Corp. Wood-Ridge, NJ, United States)
Ellis, D. R.
(Cessna Aircraft Corp.)
Huggins, G.
(Cessna Aircraft Corp.)
Mueller, A.
(Cessna Aircraft Corp.)
Hembrey, J. H.
(Cessna Aircraft Corp.)
Date Acquired
September 4, 2013
Publication Date
January 29, 1982
Subject Category
Mechanical Engineering
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:165398
Report Number: NASA-CR-165398
Report Number: CW-WR-81.021
Report Number: NAS 1.26:165398
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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