Instrumented aircraft verification of clear-air radar detection of low-level wind shearA technique is described in which the longitudinal wind component at airports, measured by Doppler radar, is put through a Fourier transformation to produce an energy density spectrum. The result is multiplied by the aircraft response characteristics to produce quantitative data on aircraft performance in a wind shear situation. The Doppler radar measurements are made along the intended flight path. Two case studies, along a 3 deg approach path, are described from measurements in two modes: Lagrangian, where predictions were computed one range gate ahead of the plane, and Eulerian, where samples were measured instantaneously along the flight path. Wind data obtained every second were interpolated to fit a numerical model by using a cubic spline. Eulerian data were superior to Lagrangian data in terms of ranging, and nearly equal for wind speeds. Improvements in current 75% accuracy are noted to be possible with shrouded antennas to reduce sidelobes and use of Doppler radar with higher resolution to eliminate effects of small scale disturbances within the pulse volume.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Mccarthy, J. (National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO, United States)
Elmore, K. L. (Oklahoma, University Norman, OK, United States)
Doviak, R. J. (National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO, United States)
Zrnic, D. S. (NOAA, Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman OK, United States)