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The PKI collectorThe design and manufacturing of a solar thermal collector is discussed. The collector has three primary subsystems: concentrator, receiver/fluid loop, and controls. Identical curved reflective columns are utilized in a faceted Fresnel design to support 864 one foot square flat inexpensive second-surface, silvered glass mirrors. The columns are ganged together and rotated through their centers of gravity to provide elevation tracking. The concentrator is supported by a lightweight spaceframe structure which distributes all wind and gravity loads to the base supports. The base of the structure is a track which rotates on wheels mounted on concrete piers. A parallel tube steel heat exchanger is mounted at the concentrator focal area in a well insulated, galvanized steel housing. Two rows of vertical close-packed, staggered tubes connect a mud header and a steam header. Automatic two axis tracking and operational control is provided with a microprocessor based package. Concentrator-mounted shadowbands are the basis for active tracking. A software program provides azimuthal tracking during cloudy periods.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Rice, M. P.
(Power Kinetics, Inc. Troy, NY, United States)
Date Acquired
August 11, 2013
Publication Date
July 15, 1982
Publication Information
Publication: JPL Parabolic Dish Solar Thermal Power Ann. Program Rev., Proc.
Subject Category
Energy Production And Conversion
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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