Life prediction and constitutive behavior: OverviewThe evolution of programs to investigate high temperature consititutive behavior and develop cyclic life prediction methods is reviewed. Contracts granted for developing and verifying workable engineering methods for the calculation, in advance of service, of the local stress-strain response at the critical life governing location in typical hot section components as well as the resultant cyclic crack initiation and crack growth lifetimes are listed. The Langley fatigue facility is being upgraded to include: (1) a servocontrolled testing machine for high temperature crack growth; (2) three servocontrolled tension/torsion machines for biaxial studies; (3) a HOST/satellite computer for data acquisition, processing, storage, and retrieval; and (4) HCV/LCF machines for cumulative damage studies.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Halford, G. R. (NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1982
Publication Information
Publication: Turbine Eng. Hot Sect. Technol. (HOST)