HOST liner cyclic facilities: Facility descriptionA quartz lamp box, a quartz lamp annular rig, and a low pressure liner cyclic can rig planned for liner cyclic tests are described. Special test instrumentation includes an IR-TV camera system for measuring liner cold side temperatures, thin film thermocouples for measuring liner hot side temperatures, and laser and high temperature strain gages for obtaining local strain measurements. A plate temperature of 2,000 F was obtained in an initial test of an apparatus with three quartz lamps. Lamp life, however, appeared to be limited for the standard commercial quartz lamps available. The design of vitiated and nonvitiated preheaters required for the quartz lamp annular rig and the cyclic can test rigs is underway.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Schultz, D. (NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1982
Publication Information
Publication: Turbine Eng. Hot Sect. Technol. (HOST)