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Multivariate Spline Algorithms for CAGDTwo special polyhedra present themselves for the definition of B-splines: a simplex S and a box or parallelepiped B, where the edges of S project into an irregular grid, while the edges of B project into the edges of a regular grid. More general splines may be found by forming linear combinations of these B-splines, where the three-dimensional coefficients are called the spline control points. Univariate splines are simplex splines, where s = 1, whereas splines over a regular triangular grid are box splines, where s = 2. Two simple facts render the development of the construction of B-splines: (1) any face of a simplex or a box is again a simplex or box but of lower dimension; and (2) any simplex or box can be easily subdivided into smaller simplices or boxes. The first fact gives a geometric approach to Mansfield-like recursion formulas that express a B-spline in B-splines of lower order, where the coefficients depend on x. By repeated recursion, the B-spline will be expressed as B-splines of order 1; i.e., piecewise constants. In the case of a simplex spline, the second fact gives a so-called insertion algorithm that constructs the new control points if an additional knot is inserted.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Boehm, W.
(Technische Univ. Brunswick, Germany)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
June 1, 1985
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Langley Research Center Computational Geometry and Computer-Aided Design
Subject Category
Numerical Analysis
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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