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System level electrochemical principlesThe traditional electrochemical storage concepts are difficult to translate into high power, high voltage multikilowatt storage systems. The increased use of electronics, and the use of electrochemical couples that minimize the difficulties associated with the corrective measures to reduce the cell to cell capacity dispersion were adopted by battery technology. Actively cooled bipolar concepts are described which represent some attractive alternative system concepts. They are projected to have higher energy densities lower volumes than current concepts. They should be easier to scale from one capacity to another and have a closer cell to cell capacity balance. These newer storage system concepts are easier to manage since they are designed to be a fully integrated battery. These ideas are referred to as system level electrochemistry. The hydrogen-oxygen regenerative fuel cells (RFC) is probably the best example of the integrated use of these principles.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Thaller, L. H.
(NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 1985
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center The 1984 Goddard Space Flight Center Battery Workshop
Subject Category
Electronics And Electrical Engineering
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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