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Cross sections for the production of fragments with Z greater than or equal to 8 by fragmentation of Z greater than or equal to 9 and less than or equal to 26 nucleiCharge changing nuclear collisions in plastic nuclear track detectors were studied using a new experimental technique of automatic track measurement for etched tracks in plastic detectors. Partial cross sections for the production of fragments of charge Z approximately 8 were measured for projectile nuclei of charge 9 approximately Z approximately 26 in the detector material CR39 and in silver. for this purpose three independent experiments were performed using Bevalac beams. The first one was an exposure of a stack of CR39 plastic plates to 1.8 GeV/nucl. Ar-40 nuclei. The second one was an exposure of another CR39 stack of 1.7 GeV/nucl. Fe-56 projectiles. In the third experiment a mixed stack of CR39 plates and silver foils was irradiated with 1.7 GeV/nucl. Fe-56 nuclei. Thus the measurement of nuclear cross sections in a light target (CR39 = C12H18O7) and as well in a heavy target (silver) was possible.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Heinrich, W.
(Siegen Univ.)
Drechsel, H.
(Siegen Univ.)
Brechtmann, C.
(Siegen Univ.)
Beer, J.
(Siegen Univ.)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 1985
Publication Information
Publication: 19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf - Vol. 3
Subject Category
Space Radiation
Report/Patent Number
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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