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Background light measurements at the DUMAND siteAmbient light intensities at the DUMAND site, west of the island of Hawaii were measured around the one photoelectron level. Throughout the water column between 1,500m and 4,700m, a substantial amount of stimulateable bioluminescence is observed with a ship suspended detector. But non-stimulated bioluminescence level is comparable, or less than, K sup 40 background, when measured with a bottom tethered detector typical of a DUMAND optical module.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Aoki, T.
(Tokyo Univ. Tanashi, Japan)
Kitamura, T.
(Tokyo Univ. Tanashi, Japan)
Matsuno, S.
(Tokyo Univ. Tanashi, Japan)
Mitsui, K.
(Tokyo Univ. Tanashi, Japan)
Ohashi, Y.
(Tokyo Univ. Tanashi, Japan)
Okada, A.
(Tokyo Univ. Tanashi, Japan)
Cady, D. R.
(Hawaii Univ. Honolulu, United States)
Learned, J. G.
(Hawaii Univ. Honolulu, United States)
Oconnor, D.
(Hawaii Univ. Honolulu, United States)
Mcmurdo, M.
(Hawaii Univ. Honolulu, United States)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 1985
Publication Information
Publication: 19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf - Vol. 8
Subject Category
Space Radiation
Report/Patent Number
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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