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Part 1: The geomorphic evolution of Eastern Margaritifer Sinus, MarsGeomorphic mapping, crater counts on selected surfaces, and a detailed study of drainage basins, were used to trace the geologic evolution of Margaritifer Sinus Quandrangle. The oldest dated surface covering these basins evolved during the period of intense bombardment. Since that time four resurfacing events have occurred. The first three were all of regional extent, while the fourth, occurred locally, filling basins. Valley networks, incised in the third event unit, are always buried by the fourth event unit when present. A peak in geomorphic activity occurred from 10,000 to 5000. Events during this period included the formation of Uzboi/Ladon Valles with deposition in Ladon Basin, and the formation of Samara and Parana/Loire Valles in MC19SE. Flow out of Ladon Basin and to a lesser extent Samara and Parana/Loire Valles created etched terrain at their confluence that was synchronous with initiation of Margaritifer and Iani Chaos. The range of dates for the chaos may be due to periodic collapse. The extensive, well integrted nature of Samara and Parana/Loire Valles requires the existence of a long period of favorable climatic conditions to allow their formation. Development of these two systems was probably through sapping processes.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Grant, John A., III
(NASA Headquarters Washington, DC United States)
Date Acquired
September 5, 2013
Publication Date
June 1, 1987
Publication Information
Publication: Advances in Planetary Geology 2
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Exploration
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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