The physics of thermal plasma in the magnetosphere; Proceedings of Symposium 9 of the 26th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Toulouse, France, June 30-July 11, 1986The conference presents papers on the shape, dynamics, and thermal structure of the plasmasphere and plasmapause; the ionosphere as a supplier of plasma to the earth's magnetosphere; the modeling and remote sensing of thermal plasma in the earth's magnetosphere; and magnetospheric cold plasmas as a medium for wave generation and propagation. Particular attention is given to whistler studies of plasmasphere shape and dynamics, plasmasphere thermal structure as measured by ISEE-1 and DE-1, low-energy ion flows into the magnetosphere, field-aligned flows of ionospheric plasma in the magnetosphere, and field-aligned plasmaspheric flows at moderate latitudes. Papers are also presented on the effects of a tailward stretching geomagnetic field on the drift motion of plasma particles in the magnetospheric equatorial plane, ion cyclotron waves observed near the plasmapause, and the response of energetic particles to nightside magnetic pulsations as seen by AMPTE/CCE.
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Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Chappell, C. R. (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Gringauz, K. I. (AN SSSR Institut Kosmicheskikh Issledovanii, Moscow, Ussr)