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Lower thermosphere (80-100 km) dynamics response to solar and geomagnetic activity: OverviewThe variations of solar and geomagnetic activity may affect the thermosphere circulation via plasma heating and electric fields, especially at high latitudes. The possibility exists that the energy involved in auroral and magnetic storms can produce significant changes of mesosphere and lower thermosphere wind systems. A study of global radar measurements of winds at 80 to 100 km region revealed the short term effects (correlation between wind field and geomagnetic storms) and long term variations over a solar cycle. It seems likely that the correlation results from a modification of planetary waves and tides propagated from below, thus altering the dynamical regime of the thermosphere. Sometimes the long term behavior points rather to a climatic variation with the internal atmospheric cause than to a direct solar control.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Kazimirovsky, E. S.
(Academy of Sciences (USSR) Irkutsk, Ussr)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
September 1, 1989
Publication Information
Publication: International Council of Scientific Unions, Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, Volume 29. Part 1: Extended Abstracts, International Symposium on Solar Activity Forcing of the Middle Atmosphere. Part 2: MASH Workshop, Williamsburg, 1986
Subject Category
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Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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