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Development of non-conventional control methods for high angle of attack flight using vortex manipulationMethods of manipulating the forebody vortices on a generic fighter model to produce controlled yawing moments at high angles of attack were investigated. Forces and moments were measured on the complete configuration and on the isolated forebody. Two schemes for vortex control on the forebody were evaluated: individually-controlled tip strakes and individually-controlled blowing ports. The effectiveness of the forebody strakes in controlling forebody side forces was strongly dependent on the size and location of the strakes. A yawing moment can be produced by deploying the forebody strakes asymmetrically, or can be eliminated by deploying the strakes symmetrically. The most effective strake position was found to be near the primary separation point, between 105 and 120 deg from windward. Blowing on the surface of the model was also shown to have a strong effect on the yawing moment. Blowing either forward or aft tangential to the surface appears to be more effective than blowing normal to the surface. The most effective method to control the yawing moment on the forebody was to minimize the natural asymmetry with a pair of small symmetrically mounted tip strakes and to perturb the vortex system away from the symmetric condition with asymmetric blowing.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Malcolm, Gerald N.
(Eidetics International, Inc., Torrance CA., United States)
Ng, T. Terry
(Eidetics International, Inc., Torrance CA., United States)
Lewis, Liane C.
(Eidetics International, Inc., Torrance CA., United States)
Murri, Daniel G.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 14, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 1990
Publication Information
Publication: AGARD, Aerodynamics of Combat Aircraft Controls and of Ground Effects
Subject Category
Aircraft Stability And Control
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: F33615-86-C-3623
Distribution Limits
Document Inquiry

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