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High temperature static strain gage developmentFinal results are presented from a program to develop a thin film static strain gage for use on the blades and vanes of running, test stand gas turbine engines with goals of an 3 x 3 mm gage area and total errors of less than 10 pct. of + or - 2,000 microstrain after 50 hrs at 1250 K. Pd containing 13 Wt. pct. Cr was previously identified as a new strain sensor alloy that appeared to be potentially usable to 1250 K. Subsequently, it was discovered, in contrast with its behavior in bulk, that Pd-13Cr suffered from oxidation attack when prepared as a 4.5 micron thick thin film. Continuing problems with electrical leakage to the substrate and the inability of sputtered alumina overcoats to prevent oxidation led to the discovery that sputtered alumina contains appreciable amounts of entrapped argon. After the argon has been exsolved by heating to elevated temperatures, the alumina films undergo a linear shrinkage of about 2 pct. resulting in formation of cracks. These problems can be largely overcome by sputtering the alumina with the substrate heated to 870 K. With 2 micron thick hot sputtered alumina insulation and overcoat films, total 50 hr drifts of about 100 microstrain (2 tests) and about 500 microstrain (1 test) were observed at 1000 and 1100 K, respectively. Results of tests on complete strain gage systems on constant moment bend bars with Pd temperature compensation grids revealed that oxidation of the Pd grid was a major problem even when the grid was overcoated with a hot or cold sputtered alumina overcoat.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Hulse, C. O.
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, CT, United States)
Bailey, R. S.
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, CT, United States)
Grant, H. P.
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, CT, United States)
Anderson, W. L.
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, CT, United States)
Przybyszewski, J. S.
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, CT, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 1991
Subject Category
Aircraft Design, Testing And Performance
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:189044
Report Number: NASA-CR-189044
Report Number: R90-916528-80
Report Number: NAS 1.26:189044
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 505-62-50
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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