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Dynamic simulation of compressor and gas turbine performanceDynamic simulation of compressor and gas turbine performance is useful in a variety of design, analysis, and test applications. Mathematical models employing estimated or experimentally-derived component characteristics have been widely used, especially for near-design-point studies of acceleration and deceleration transients and control strategies. With recent progress in simulation methods and computational power, it has become possible to build models with detail at the stage level, and with fundamental fluid mechanics input. Such models are more useful because of the ability to study the details of inter-component flow property behavior during machine transients, even including stall and surge.

Dynamic performance simulation models are discussed with emphasis on the fundamental principles of the models and the methods used to represent component and stage flow characteristics. Results of several simulations of the dynamic behavior of multistage compressors are shown with comparisons to experimental data. Possibilities for advanced computational techniques for near-real-time simulations of compressors and gas turbines are reviewed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Walter F O'Brien
(Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia, United States)
Date Acquired
August 15, 2013
Publication Date
May 1, 1992
Publication Information
Publication: Steady and Transient Performance Prediction of Gas Turbine Engines
Publisher: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD)
ISBN: 928350674X
Subject Category
Aircraft Propulsion And Power
Meeting Information
Meeting: AGARD Lecture Series 183
Location: Chatillon / Bagneaux
Country: FR
Start Date: June 11, 1992
End Date: June 12, 1992
Sponsors: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Accession Number
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