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Coincidences in time of the Imbrium Basin impact and Apollo 15 KREEP volcanic series: Impact-induced melting?On the Earth there may be no firm evidence that impacts can induce volcanic activity. However, the Moon does provide a very likely example of volcanism induced by an immense impact: the Imbrium Basin-forming event was immediately succeeded by a crustal partial melting event that released KREEP lava flows over a wide area. These two events are presently indistinguishable in radiometric age. The sample record indicates that such KREEP volcanism had not occurred in the region prior to that time, and never occurred again. Such coincidence in time implies a genetic relationship between the two events, and impact-induced partial melting appears to be the only candidate process. This conclusion rests essentially on the arguments that: (1) the Imbrium Basin event took place 3.86 +/- 0.02 Ga ago; (2) the Apennine Bench Formation postdates Imbrium; (3) the Apollo 15 KREEP basalts are 3.85 +/- 0.03 Ga old; (4) the Apollo 15 KREEP basalts are derived from the Apennine Bench Formation; and (5) the Apollo 15 KREEP basalts are volcanic. Thus, the Apollo 15 KREEP basalts represent a unique volcanic unit that immediately postdates the Imbrium event (within 20 Ma, possibly much less). The evidence for the links in the argument are sketched, and some implications for initial conditions are described. Ramifications of the process for the early history of the Earth are briefly explored.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Ryder, Graham
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1992
Publication Information
Publication: International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution
Subject Category
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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