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A study of the Lute Metering StructureTwo Metering Structure configurations were investigated. The first case was the traditional style metering structure which is larger than the outside diameter of the primary mirror. The second case investigated was the center support concept in which the outside diameter of the structure is less than the inside diameter of the primary mirror. Beryllium was used as the baseline material for this study. Four other materials were considered as candidates for the metering structure. These materials are: Graphite Epoxy, Aluminum, Titanium, and Invar. The loading conditions used for this study were estimated to be: Quasi Static: 6.0 G (all three directions); and Random Vibration: 30.0 G (applied 1 axis at a time). Taking advantage of symmetry, it was necessary to apply the lateral loading to only one axis. These loads were applied to both concepts and to all material configurations. The loadings as described above were based on the best available information and is felt to be adequate for this study since it was consistently used for all configurations. A load factor 2.00 was applied to both quasi static and random vibration loads. The allowable stresses are conservatively based yield strength of the material, except for the struts which are controlled by elastic stability. The stresses determined from each individual loading direction were conservatively combined by the absolute sum method.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Foreman, James W.
(Alabama A & M Univ. Huntsville, AL, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
December 1, 1992
Publication Information
Publication: Alabama Univ., 1992 NASA(ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
Subject Category
Structural Mechanics
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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