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Nonlinear dynamics of global atmospheric and Earth system processesDuring the past eight years, we have been engaged in a NASA-supported program of research aimed at establishing the connection between satellite signatures of the earth's environmental state and the nonlinear dynamics of the global weather and climate system. Thirty-five publications and four theses have resulted from this work, which included contributions in five main areas of study: (1) cloud and latent heat processes in finite-amplitude baroclinic waves; (2) application of satellite radiation data in global weather analysis; (3) studies of planetary waves and low-frequency weather variability; (4) GCM studies of the atmospheric response to variable boundary conditions measurable from satellites; and (5) dynamics of long-term earth system changes. Significant accomplishments from the three main lines of investigation pursued during the past year are presented and include the following: (1) planetary atmospheric waves and low frequency variability; (2) GCM studies of the atmospheric response to changed boundary conditions; and (3) dynamics of long-term changes in the global earth system.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Saltzman, Barry
(Yale Univ. New Haven, CT, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA(MSFC FY92 Earth Science and Applications Program Research Review
Subject Category
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Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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