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Radar backscatter measurements from Arctic sea ice during the fall freeze-upRadar backscatter measurements from sea ice during the fall freeze-up were performed by the United States Coast Guard Icebreaker Polar Star as a part of the International Arctic Ocean Expedition (IAOE'91) from Aug. to Sep. 1991. The U.S. portion of the experiment took place on board the Polar Star and was referred to as TRAPOLEX '91 (Transpolar expedition) by some investigators. Before prematurely aborting its mission because of mechanical failure of her port shaft, the Polar Star reached 84 deg 57 min N latitude at 35 deg E longitude. The ship was in the ice (greater than 50 percent coverage) from 14 Aug. until 3 Sep. and was operational for all but 6 days due to two instances of mechanical problems with the port shaft. The second was fatal to the ship's participation in the expedition. During the expedition, radar backscatter was measured at C-band under a variety of conditions. These included measurements from young ice types as well as from multiyear and first-/second-year sea ice during the fall freeze-up. The sea ice types were determined by measurement of the ice properties at several of the stations and by visual inspection on others. Radar backscatter measurements were performed over a large portion of the ship's transit into the Arctic ice pack. These were accompanied by in situ sea ice property characterization by the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) at several stations and, when snow was present, its properties were documented by The Microwave Group, Ottawa River (MWG).
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Beaven, S.
(Kansas Univ. Lawrence, KS, United States)
Gogineni, S. P.
(Kansas Univ. Lawrence, KS, United States)
Shanableh, M.
(Kansas Univ. Lawrence, KS, United States)
Gow, A.
(Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Hanover, NH., United States)
Tucker, W.
(Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Hanover, NH., United States)
Jezek, K.
(Ohio State Univ. Columbus., United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1993
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:193100
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: N00014-89-J-1456
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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