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The large-scale morphology of IRAS galaxiesAt present, visual inspection is the only method for comparing the large-scale morphologies in the distribution of galaxies to those in model universes generated by N-body simulations. To remedy the situation, we have developed a set of three structure functions (S1, S2, S3) that quantify the degree of large-scale prolateness, oblateness, and sphericity/uniformity of a 3-D particle distribution and have applied them to a volume-limited (less than = 4000 km/s) sample of 699 IRAS galaxies with f sub 60 greater than 1.2 Jy. To determine the structure functions, we randomly select 500 galaxies as origins of spherical windows of radius R sub w, locate the centroid of the galaxies in the window (assuming all galaxies have equal mass) and then, compute the principal moments of inertia (I sub 1, I sub 2, I sub 3) about the centroid. Each S sub i is a function of (I sub 2)/(I sub 1) and (I sub 3)/I sub 1). S1, S2, and S3 tend to unity for highly prolate, oblate, and uniform distributions, respectively and tend to zero otherwise. The resulting 500 values of S sub i at each scale R sub w are used to construct a histogram.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Babul, Arif
(Canadian Inst. for Theoretical Astrophysics Toronto Ontario, Canada)
Starkman, Glenn D.
(Canadian Inst. for Theoretical Astrophysics Toronto Ontario, Canada)
Strauss, Michael A.
(Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, NJ., United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Ames Research Center, The Evolution of Galaxies and Their Environment
Subject Category
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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