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The NT digital micro tape recorderThe description of an audio recorder may at first glance seem out of place in a conference which has been dedicated to the discussion of the technology and requirements of mass data storage. However, there are several advanced features of the NT system which will be of interest to the mass storage technologist. Moreover, there are a sufficient number of data storage formats in current use which have evolved from their audio counterparts to recommend a close attention to major innovative introductions of audio storage formats. While the existing analog micro-cassette recorder has been (and will continue to be) adequate for various uses, there are significant benefits to be gained through the application of digital technology. The elimination of background tape hiss and the availability of two relatively wide band channels (for stereo recording), for example, would greatly enhance listenability and speech intelligibility. And with the use of advanced high-density recording and LSI circuit technologies, a digital micro recorder can realize unprecedented compactness with excellent energy efficiency. This is what was accomplished with the NT-1 Digital Micro Recorder. Its remarkably compact size contributes to its portability. The high-density NT format enables up to two hours of low-noise digital stereo recording on a cassette the size of a postage stamp. Its highly energy-efficient mechanical and electrical design results in low power consumption; the unit can be operated up to 7 hours (for continuous recording) on a single AA alkaline battery. Advanced user conveniences include a multifunction LCD readout. The unit's compactness and energy-efficiency, in particular, are attributes that cannot be matched by existing analog and digital audio formats. The size, performance, and features of the NT format are of benefit primarily to those who desire improved portability and audio quality in a personal memo product. The NT Recorder is the result of over ten years of intensive, multi-disciplinary research and development. What follows is a discussion of the technologies that have made the NT possible: (1) NT format mechanics, (2) NT media, (3) NT circuitry and board.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Sasaki, Toshikazu
(Sony Magnetic Products, Inc. Cypress, CA, United States)
Alstad, John
(Sony Magnetic Products, Inc. Cypress, CA, United States)
Younker, Mike
(Sony Magnetic Products, Inc. Cypress, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center, Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, Volume 1,
Subject Category
Instrumentation And Photography
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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