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NASA-UVA Light Aerospace Alloy and Structures Technology Program (LA2ST)The NASA-UVA Light Aerospace Alloy and Structures Technology (LA2ST) Program continues a high level of activity. Progress achieved between 1 Jan. and 30 Jun. 1993 is reported. The objective of the LA2ST Program is to conduct interdisciplinary graduate student research on the performance of next generation, light weight aerospace alloys, composites, and thermal gradient structures in collaboration with NASA-Langley researchers. The following projects are addressed: environmental fatigue of Al-Li-Cu alloys; mechanisms of localized corrosion and environmental fracture in Al-Cu-Li-Mg-Ag alloy X2095 and compositional variations; the effect of zinc additions on the precipitation and stress corrosion cracking behavior of alloy 8090; hydrogen interactions with Al-Li-Cu alloy 2090 and model alloys; metastable pitting of aluminum alloys; cryogenic fracture toughness of Al-Cu-Li + In alloys; the fracture toughness of Weldalite (TM); elevated temperature cracking of advanced I/M aluminum alloys; response of Ti-1100/SCS-6 composites to thermal exposure; superplastic forming of Weldalite (TM); research to incorporate environmental effects into fracture mechanics fatigue life prediction codes such as NASA FLAGRO; and thermoviscoplastic behavior.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Gangloff, Richard P.
(Virginia Univ. Charlottesville, VA, United States)
Scully, John R.
(Virginia Univ. Charlottesville, VA, United States)
Stoner, Glenn E.
(Virginia Univ. Charlottesville, VA, United States)
Thornton, Earl A.
(Virginia Univ. Charlottesville, VA, United States)
Wawner, Franklin E., Jr.
(Virginia Univ. Charlottesville, VA, United States)
Wert, John A.
(Virginia Univ. Charlottesville, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
July 20, 1993
Subject Category
Metallic Materials
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:193412
Report Number: NAS 1.26:193412
Report Number: NASA-CR-193412
Report Number: UVA/528266/MS94/113
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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