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Linking medical records to an expert systemThis presentation will be done using the IMR-Entry (Intelligent Medical Record Entry) system. IMR-Entry is a software program developed as a front-end to our diagnostic consultant software MEDAS (Medical Emergency Decision Assistance System). MEDAS (the Medical Emergency Diagnostic Assistance System) is a diagnostic consultant system using a multimembership Bayesian design for its inference engine and relational database technology for its knowledge base maintenance. Research on MEDAS began at the University of Southern California and the Institute of Critical Care in the mid 1970's with support from NASA and NSF. The MEDAS project moved to Chicago in 1982; its current progress is due to collaboration between Illinois Institute of Technology, The Chicago Medical School, Lake Forest College and NASA at KSC. Since the purpose of an expert system is to derive a hypothesis, its communication vocabulary is limited to features used by its knowledge base. The development of a comprehensive problem based medical record entry system which could handshake with an expert system while creating an electronic medical record at the same time was studied. IMR-E is a computer based patient record that serves as a front end to the expert system MEDAS. IMR-E is a graphically oriented comprehensive medical record. The programs major components are demonstrated.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Naeymi-Rad, Frank
(Chicago Medical School Chicago, IL, United States)
Trace, David
(Chicago Medical School Chicago, IL, United States)
Desouzaalmeida, Fabio
(Kaiser Medical Center Santa Clara, CA., United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1991
Publication Information
Publication: NASA, Washington, International Telemedicine(Disaster Medicine Conference: Papers and Presentations
Subject Category
Aerospace Medicine
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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