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Multifrequency data analysis software on STARLINKAlthough the STARLINK project was set up to provide image processing facilities to UK astronomers, it has grown over the last 12 years to the extent that it now provides most of the data analysis facilities for UK astronomers. One aspect of the growth of the STARLINK network is that it now has to cater for astronomers working in a diverse range of wavelengths. Since a given individual may be working with data obtained in a variety of wavelengths, it is most convenient if the data can be stored in a common format and the programs that analyze the data have a similar 'look and feel'. What is known as 'STARLINK software' is obtained from many sources: STARLINK funded programmers; astronomers; foreign projects such as AIPS; generally available shareware; and commercial sources when this proves cost effective. This means that the ideal situation of a completely integrated system cannot be realized in practice. Nevertheless, many of the major packages written by STARLINK application programmers and by astronomers do use a common data format, based on the Hierarchical Data System, so that interchange of data between packages designed separately from each other is simply a matter of using the same file names. For example, as astronomer might use KAPPA to read some optical spectra off a FITS tape, then use CCDPACK to debias and flat field the data (it is easy to set up an overnight batch job to do this if there is a lot of data), then use KAPPA to have a quick look at the data and then use Figaro to reduce the spectra. It is useful to divide data analysis packages into wavelength specific packages, or even instrument specific packages, and general purpose ones. Once the instrumental signature has been removed from some data, any appropriate general purpose package can be used to analyze te data. For example, the ASTERIX package deals with x-ray data reduction, but after dealing with all of the x-ray specific processing, an astronomer may well want to find the brightness of objects in a given frame. Since ASTERIX uses the standard STARLINK data format, the astronomer can use PHOTOM or DAOPHOT 2 to measure the brightness of the objects. Although DAOPHOT was written with optical astronomy in mind, it is useful for analyzing data from several wavelengths. The ability of DAOPHOT 2 to handle non-standard point spread functions can be especially useful in many areas of astronomy.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Allan, P. M.
(Rutherford Appleton Lab. Chilton, United Kingdom)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1992
Publication Information
Publication: NASA, Washington, Second Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems. Abstracts
Subject Category
Computer Programming And Software
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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