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Cockpit weather graphics using mobile satellite communicationsMany new companies are pushing state-of-the-art technology to bring a revolution in the cockpits of General Aviation (GA) aircraft. The vision, according to Dr. Bruce Holmes - the Assistant Director for Aeronautics at National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Langley Research Center, is to provide such an advanced flight control system that the motor and cognitive skills you use to drive a car would be very similar to the ones you would use to fly an airplane. We at ViGYAN, Inc., are currently developing a system called the Pilot Weather Advisor (PWxA), which would be a part of such an advanced technology flight management system. The PWxA provides graphical depictions of weather information in the cockpit of aircraft in near real-time, through the use of broadcast satellite communications. The purpose of this system is to improve the safety and utility of GA aircraft operations. Considerable effort is being extended for research in the design of graphical weather systems, notably the works of Scanlon and Dash. The concept of providing pilots with graphical depictions of weather conditions, overlaid on geographical and navigational maps, is extremely powerful.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Seth, Shashi
(Vigyan Research Associates, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: JPL, Proceedings of the Third International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1993)
Subject Category
Communications And Radar
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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