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Space Habitat, assembly and repair facilityIntegrated Space Systems (ISS) has designed a Low Earth Orbit Assembly Facility for submission in the 1992 AIAA/LORAL Team Space Design Competition. This facility, the Space Habitat, Assembly, and Repair Center (SHARC), will be used to construct, assemble, and service space vehicles. SHARC's primary mission will be the construction of interplanetary vehicles, but it will also be able to perform repair and refueling operations of craft which are in an Earth orbit. This facility has been designed using only present and near-present technology. The emphasis is on minimizing cost.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Colangelo, Todd A.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Hoetger, Debora C.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Kuo, Addison C.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Lo, Michael C.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Marcus, Leland R.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Tran, Phillip P.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Tutt, Chris J.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Wassmuth, Chad M.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Wildgrube, Gregory M.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1992
Publication Information
Publication: USRA, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Summer Conference: NASA(USRA Advanced Design Program
Subject Category
Ground Support Systems And Facilities (Space)
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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