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Beginning the 21st century with advanced Automatic Parts Identification (API)Under the direction of the NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, the development and commercialization of an advanced Automated Parts Indentification (API) system is being undertaken by Rockwell International Corporation. The new API system is based on a variable sized, machine-readable, two-dimensioanl matrix symbol that can be applied directly onto most metallic and nonmetallic materials using safe, permanent marking methods. Its checkerboard-like structure is the most space efficient of all symbologies. This high data-density symbology can be applied to products of different material sizes and geometries using application-dependent, computer-driven marking devices. The high fidelity markings produced by these devices can then be captured using a specially designed camera linked to any IBM-compatible computer. Applications of compressed symbology technology will reduce costs and improve quality, productivity, and processes in a wide variety of federal and commercial applications.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Schramm, Fred
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Roxby, Don
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1994
Publication Information
Publication: NASA, Washington, Technology 2003: The Fourth National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, Volume 2
Subject Category
Documentation And Information Science
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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