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The software analysis project for the Office of Human ResourcesThere were two major sections of the project for the Office of Human Resources (OHR). The first section was to conduct a planning study to analyze software use with the goal of recommending software purchases and determining whether the need exists for a file server. The second section was analysis and distribution planning for retirement planning computer program entitled VISION provided by NASA Headquarters. The software planning study was developed to help OHR analyze the current administrative desktop computing environment and make decisions regarding software acquisition and implementation. There were three major areas addressed by the study: current environment new software requirements, and strategies regarding the implementation of a server in the Office. To gather data on current environment, employees were surveyed and an inventory of computers were produced. The surveys were compiled and analyzed by the ASEE fellow with interpretation help by OHR staff. New software requirements represented a compilation and analysis of the surveyed requests of OHR personnel. Finally, the information on the use of a server represents research done by the ASEE fellow and analysis of survey data to determine software requirements for a server. This included selection of a methodology to estimate the number of copies of each software program required given current use and estimated growth. The report presents the results of the computing survey, a description of the current computing environment, recommenations for changes in the computing environment, current software needs, management advantages of using a server, and management considerations in the implementation of a server. In addition, detailed specifications were presented for the hardware and software recommendations to offer a complete picture to OHR management. The retirement planning computer program available to NASA employees will aid in long-range retirement planning. The intended audience is the NASA civil service employee with several years until retirement. The employee enters current salary and savings information as well as goals concerning salary at retirement, assumptions on inflation, and the return on investments. The program produces a picture of the employee's retirement income from all sources based on the assumptions entered. A session showing features of the program was conducted for key personnel at the Center. After analysis, it was decided to offer the program through the Learning Center starting in August 1994.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Tureman, Robert L., Jr.
(Paul D. Camp Community Coll. Suffolk, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
December 1, 1994
Publication Information
Publication: Hampton Univ., 1994 NASA-HU American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
Subject Category
Administration And Management
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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