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Determination of Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene by means of an ion mobility spectrometer device using photoionizationThe continuous monitoring of changes on the quality of ambient air is a field of advantage of ion mobility spectrometry. Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene are substances of special interest because of their toxicity. We present an optimized drift tube for ion mobility spectrometers, which uses photo-ionization tubes to produce the ions to be analyzed. The actual version of this drift tube has a length of 45 mm, an electric field strength established within the drift tube of about 180 V/cm and a shutter-opening-time of 400 mus. With the hydrogen tube used for ionisation a mean flux of 10(exp 12) photons/sq cm s was established for the experiments described. We discuss the results of investigations on Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene in normal used gasoline SUPER. The detection limits obtained with the ion mobility spectrometer developed in co-operation are in the range of 10 ppbv in this case. Normally, charge transfer from Benzene ions to Toluene takes place. Nevertheless the simultaneous determination in mixtures is possible by a data evaluation procedure developed for this case. The interferences found between Xylene and others are rather weak. The ion mobility spectra of different concentrations of gasoline SUPER are attached as an example for the resolution and the detection limit of the instrument developed. Resolution and sensitivity of the system are well demonstrated. A hand-held portable device produced just now is to be tested for special environmental analytical problems in some industrial and scientific laboratories in Germany.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Leonhardt, J. W.
(Institut fuer Spectrochemie und Angewandte Spectroskopie Dortmund, Germany)
Bensch, H.
(Institut fuer Spectrochemie und Angewandte Spectroskopie Dortmund, Germany)
Berger, D.
(Institut fuer Spectrochemie und Angewandte Spectroskopie Dortmund, Germany)
Nolting, M.
(MSA Berlin, Germany)
Baumbach, J. I.
(Institut fuer Spectrochemie und Angewandte Spectroskopie Dortmund, Germany)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 1995
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Johnson Space Center, Third International Workshop on Ion Mobility Spectrometry
Subject Category
Inorganic And Physical Chemistry
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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