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Near-surface ice on Mercury and the Moon: A topographic thermal modelA thermal model that can be easily adapted to craters of arbitrary shape is developed and applied to high-latitude impact craters on Mercury and the Moon, Chao Meng Fu crater at -87.5 deg L on Mercury, an unnamed bowl-shaped crater at 86.7 deg L on Mercury, and Peary crater at 88.6 deg L on the Moon. For an assumed input topography and grid of surface elements, the model computes for each element the irradiation from direct insolation and reflected and emitted radiation from other elements, taking into account shadowing by walls of the crater, partial obscuration of the solar disk near the poles and the diurnal, orbital, and seasonal cycles. Temperatures are computed over the surface grid as functions of depth and time from the surface to a specified depth and over the pertinent astronomical cycles, including the effects of direct and indirect surface irradiation, infrared radiation, heat conduction, and interior heating. Vapor fluxes and ice recession times are computed as functions of ice depth over the surface grid. Temperatures profiles, vapor fluxes, and ice recession times were computed for flat surfaces not associated with craters near the poles of Mercury and the Moon. It was found that water ice could have existed throughout geologic time within the maximum radar detection depth of recent observation of Mercury (J. K. Harmon and M. A. Slade, 1992, Science 258, 640-643) poleward of approximately 87 - 88 deg L on Mercury and poleward of approximately 73 deg L on the Moon. For Chao Meng Fu crater it was found that approximately 40% of the crater floor is permanently shadowed from direct solar insolation, while the remainder of the crater floor is periodically illuminated by a partially obscured Sun. Temperatures at the upper levels of the south wall can slightly exceed 550 K. Surface temperatures in the permanently shadowed region of the crater floor are under approximately 130 K, which could have allowed water ice to exist throughout geologic time within the radar detection depth of recent observation of Mercury. For small bowl-shaped crater on Mercury, it was found that most of the crater is permanently shadowed from direct solar radiation, except for a narrow semicircular band bordering the north rim. However, temperatures in the permanently shadowed region periodically reach a maximum near approximately 315 K due to efficient heating of the small crater by thermal emission and reflection from the small sunlit region, which periodically reaches temperatures exceeding 630 K. Water ice could not have existed throughout geologic time anywhere in this crater within the radar detection depth. For Peary crater on the Moon, the entire crater floor is permanently shadowed from direct solar insolation with maximum temperature under 120 K. The upper level of the north wall periodically reaches a maximum temperature near 310 K. The low temperatures on the crater floor would have allowed water ice to exist near the surface throughout geologic time, provided that the Moon's obliquity was always as low as it is at present.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
External Source(s)
Salvail, James R.
(School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, Honolulu, HI United States)
Fanale, Fraser P.
(School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, Honolulu, HI United States)
Date Acquired
August 16, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1994
Publication Information
Publication: Icarus
Volume: 111
Issue: 2
ISSN: 0019-1035
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Exploration
Report/Patent Number
ISSN: 0019-1035
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
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