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The radiated noise from isotropic turbulence and heated jetsOur understanding of aerodynamic noise has its foundations in the work of Sir James Lighthill (1952), which was the first major advance in acoustics since the pioneering work of Lord Rayleigh in the last century. The combination of Lighthill's theory of aerodynamic noise as applied to turbulent flows and the experimental growing database from the early 1950's was quickly exploited by various jet propulsion engine designers in reducing the noise of jet engines at takeoff and landing to levels marginally acceptable to communities living in the neighborhoods of airports. The success in this noise containment led to the rapid growth of fast economical subsonic civil transport aircraft worldwide throughout the 1960's and has continued to the present day. One important factor in this success story has been the improvements in the engine cycle that have led to both reductions in specific fuel consumption and noise. The second is the introduction of Noise Certification, which specifies the maximum noise levels at takeoff and landing that all aircraft must meet before they can be entered on the Civil Aircraft Register. The growing interest in the development of a new supersonic civil transport to replace 'Concorde' in the early years of the next century has led to a resurgence of interest in the more challenging problem of predicting the noise of hot supersonic jets and developing means of aircraft noise reduction at takeoff and landing to meet the standards now accepted for subsonic Noise Certification. The prediction of aircraft noise to the accuracy required to meet Noise Certification requirements has necessitated reliance upon experimental measurements and empirically derived laws based on the available experimental data bases. These laws have their foundation in the results from Lighthill's theory, but in the case of jet noise, where the noise is generated in the turbulent mixing region with the external ambient fluid, the complexity of the turbulent motion has prevented the full deployment of Lighthill's theory from being achieved. However, the growth of the supercomputer and its applications in the study of the structure of turbulent shear flows in both unbounded and wall bounded flows, which complements and in certain cases extends the work of the few dedicated experimental groups working in this field for the past forty years, provides an opportunity and challenge to accurately predict the noise from jets. Moreover a combination of numerical and laboratory experiments offers the hope that in the not too distant future the physics of noise generation and flow interaction will be better understood and it will then be possible to not only improve the accuracy of noise prediction but also to explore and optimize schemes for noise reduction. The present challenge is to provide time and space accurate numerical databases for heated subsonic and supersonic jets to provide information on the fourth-order space-time covariance of Lighthill's equivalent stress tensor, T(ij), which governs the characteristics of the farfield radiated noise and the total acoustic power. Validation with available experimental databases will establish how close Lighthill's theory is to the accurate prediction of the directivity and spectrum of jet noise and the total acoustic power, and the need, in the applications of the theory, to include the effects of flow-acoustic interaction.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Lilley, G. M.
(Stanford Univ. CA United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
December 1, 1995
Publication Information
Publication: Annual Research Briefs: 1995
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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