Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Conference Paper
deMateo, M. L. (European Space Agency. European Space Research and Technology Center, ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands) Jongejans, A. (European Space Agency. European Space Research and Technology Center, ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands) Loisy, C. (European Space Agency. European Space Research and Technology Center, ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands) VanHimbeeck, C. (Sait Electronics S.A. Brussels, Belgium) Marchal, J. P. (Sait Electronics S.A. Brussels, Belgium) Borella, A. (Fabrica Italiana Apparecchiature Radioelettriche S.p.A. Milan, Italy) Sartori, M. (Fabrica Italiana Apparecchiature Radioelettriche S.p.A. Milan, Italy) Date Acquired
August 17, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1995
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of the Fourth International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1995)
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.