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Low Earth Orbit satellite traffic simulatorThis paper describes a significant tool for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) capacity analysis, needed to support marketing, economic, and design analysis, known as a Satellite Traffic Simulator (STS). LEO satellites typically use multiple beams to help achieve the desired communication capacity, but the traffic demand in these beams in usually not uniform. Simulations of dynamic, average, and peak expected demand per beam is a very critical part of the marketing, economic, and design analysis necessary to field a viable LEO system. An STS is described in this paper which can simulate voice, data and FAX traffic carried by LEO satellite beams and Earth Station Gateways. It is applicable world-wide for any LEO satellite constellations operating over any regions. For aeronautical applications to LEO satellites. the anticipates aeronautical traffic (Erlangs for each hour of the day to be simulated) is prepared for geographically defined 'area targets' (each major operational region for the respective aircraft), and used as input to the STS. The STS was designed by Constellations Communications Inc. (CCI) and E-Systems for usage in Brazil in accordance with an ESCA/INPE Statement Of Work, and developed by Analytical Graphics Inc. (AGI) to execute on top of its Satellite Tool Kit (STK) commercial software. The STS simulates constellations of LEO satellite orbits, with input of traffic intensity (Erlangs) for each hour of the day generated from area targets (such as Brazilian States). accumulated in custom LEO satellite beams, and then accumulated in Earth Station Gateways. The STS is a very general simulator which can accommodate: many forms of orbital element and Walker Constellation input; simple beams or any user defined custom beams; and any location of Gateways. The paper describes some of these features, including Manual Mode dynamic graphical display of communication links, to illustrate which Gateway links are accessible and which links are not, at each 'step' of the satellite orbit. In the two Performance Modes, either Channel capacity or Grade Of Service (GOS) for objects (Satellite beams, Gateways, and an entire satellite) are computed respectively by standard traffic table capacity lookup and blocking probability equations. GOS can be input, with number of channels calculated, or number of channels can be input, with GOS calculated. Also described are some of the STS Test Procedure approach and results. AGI plans to make the STS features available through their normal commercial STK products. E-Systems is a co-developer, tester, and user of the STS. The Test Procedure for the STS was prepared by E-Systems, as an independent tester for CCI, to support the CCI delivery of the STS to ESCA, for their customer INPE.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Conference Paper
Hoelzel, John
(E-Systems, Inc. Dallas, TX United States)
Date Acquired
August 17, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1995
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of the Fourth International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1995)
Subject Category
Communications And Radar
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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