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The search for materials to mitigate spacecraft chargingAs spacecraft orbit the earth, they encounter a variety of particles and radiation. Charged particles are common enough that a spacecraft can collect substantial charges on its surfaces. If these charges are not bled off, they can accumulate until electrostatic discharges occur between a charged surface and some lower-potential location on the craft. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the suspected culprit in a number of spacecraft failures. Silverized Teflon film has become the standard heat-reflecting outer layer of spacecraft because of its flexibility, chemical inertness, and low volatiles content. However, as spacecraft are designed to operate in orbits with greater probability of accumulating enough ions and electrons to create ESD, the Teflon-based thermal control blankets are becoming a liability. Unless stringent (and sometimes burdensome) shielding measures are taken, ESD can upset delicate electronic systems by upsetting or destroying components, interfering with radio signals, garbling internal instructions, and so on. As orbits become higher and more eccentric, as electronics become more sensitive, and as fault-free operation becomes more crucial, it is becoming necessary to find a replacement for silver/Teflon that has comparable strength, flexibility and chemical inertness, as well as a much lower potential for ESD. This is a report of the steps taken toward the goal of selecting a replacement for silver/Teflon during the Summer of 1995. It is a condensation of a much larger report available on request from the author. Three tasks were undertaken. Task 1 was to specify desirable properties for thermal control blankets. The second task was to collect data on materials properties from the literature and organize into a format useful for identifying candidate materials. The third task was to identify candidate materials and begin testing.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Losure, Nancy S.
(Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State, MS United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1996
Publication Information
Publication: Research Reports: 1995 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
Subject Category
Spacecraft Design, Testing And Performance
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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