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SeaWiFS Technical Report Series: The SeaWiFS CZCS-Type Pigment Algorithm - Volume 29The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) mission will provide operational ocean color that will be superior to the previous Coastal Zone Color Sensor (CZCS) proof-of-concept mission. An algorithm is needed that exploits the full functionality of SeaWiFS whilst remaining compatible in concept with algorithms used for the CZCS. This document describes the theoretical rationale of radiance band-ratio methods for determining chlorophyll-a and other important biogeochemical parameters, and their implementation for the SeaWIFS mission. Pigment interrelationships are examined to explain the success of the CZCS algorithms. In the context where chlorophyll-a absorbs only weakly at 520 nm, the success of the 520 nm to 550 nm CZCS band ratio needs to be explained. This is explained by showing that in pigment data from a range of oceanic provinces chlorophyll-a (absorbing at less than 490 nm), carotenoids (absorbing at greater than 460 nm), and total pigment are highly correlated. Correlations within pigment groups particularly photoprotectant and photosynthetic carotenoids are less robust. The sources of variability in optical data are examined using the NIMBUS Experiment Team (NET) bio-optical data set and bio-optical model. In both the model and NET data, the majority of the variance in the optical data is attributed to variability in pigment (chlorophyll-a), and total particulates, with less than 5% of the variability resulting from pigment assemblage. The relationships between band ratios and chlorophyll is examined analytically, and a new formulation based on a dual hyperbolic model is suggested which gives a better calibration curve than the conventional log-log linear regression fit. The new calibration curve shows the 490:555 ratio is the best single-band ratio and is the recommended CZCS-type pigment algorithm. Using both the model and NET data, a number of multiband algorithms are developed; the best of which is an algorithm based on the 443:555 and 490:555 ratios. From model data, the form of potential algorithms for other products, such as total particulates and dissolved organic matter (DOM), are suggested.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Hooker, Stanford B.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD United States)
Firestone, Elaine R.
(General Sciences Corp. Laurel, MD United States)
Aiken, James
(Plymouth Marine Lab. United Kingdom)
Moore, Gerald F.
(Plymouth Marine Lab. United Kingdom)
Trees, Charles C.
(San Diego State Univ. San Diego, CA United States)
Clark, Dennis K.
(National Environmental Satellite Service Camp Springs, MD United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
June 1, 1995
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.15:104566-Vol-29
Report Number: NAS 1.15:104566-Vol-29
Report Number: Rept-95B00096-Vol-29
Report Number: NASA-TM-104566-Vol-29
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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