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Control of Thermal Deflection, Panel Flutter and Acoustic Fatigue at Elevated Temperatures Using Shape Memory AlloysThe High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) will have to be designed to withstand high aerodynamic load at supersonic speeds (panel flutter) and high acoustic load (acoustic or sonic fatigue) due to fluctuating boundary layer or jet engine acoustic pressure. The thermal deflection of the skin panels will also alter the vehicle's configuration, thus it may affect the aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle and lead to poor performance. Shape memory alloys (SMA) have an unique ability to recover large strains completely when the alloy is heated above the characteristic transformation (austenite finish T(sub f)) temperature. The recovery stress and elastic modulus are both temperature dependent, and the recovery stress also depends on the initial strain. An innovative concept is to utilize the recovery stress by embedding the initially strained SMA wire in a graphite/epoxy composite laminated panel. The SMA wires are thus restrained and large inplane forces are induced in the panel at elevated temeperatures. By embedding SMA in composite panel, the panel becomes much stiffer at elevated temperatures. That is because the large tensile inplane forces induced in the panel from the SMA recovery stress. A stiffer panel would certainly yield smaller dynamic responses.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Mei, Chuh
(Old Dominion Univ. Norfolk, VA United States)
Huang, Jen-Kuang
(Old Dominion Univ. Norfolk, VA United States)
Date Acquired
August 17, 2013
Publication Date
March 1, 1996
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Workshop: Advances in Smart Materials for Aerospace Applications
Subject Category
Nonmetallic Materials
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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