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Design, Fabrication, and Calibration of an Embedded Piezoceramic Actuator for Active Control ApplicationsIn this presentation, the authors describe the design and fabrication processes for a PZT strain actuator that evolved during the initial stages of a research effort to synthesize and process intelligent, cost effective structures (SPICES). The actuator performance requirements were similar to those of conventional actuators, e.g., it had to be robust, highly efficient with adequate force and stroke, as lightweight as possible, and most importantly, affordable. Further, since the actuator was to be integrated within a composite structure, it had to be compatible with the host material and easily embeddable during the fabrication process. In control applications employing strain devices as actuators, a good bond between this actuator and host material is critical to their successful operation. This criterion is often difficult to achieve when attempting to join ceramics with metals or polymers with dissimilar properties such as Young's moduli, thermal expansion coefficients, etc. One unique feature of the actuator design that evolved in this project is that the need for direct bonding between the PZT ceramic and polymers was circumvented, i.e. the strain transfer to the host material was achieved via a frame surrounding the ceramic. Consequently, the frame material could be selected (or coated) for compatibility with the host material. A second feature is that the frame enclosed a co-fired, multilayered, PZT stack that was used to minimize the voltage requirements while maximizing the output strain.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Koopmann, Gary H.
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA United States)
Lesieutre, George A.
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA United States)
Yoshikawa, Shoko
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA United States)
Chen, Weicheng
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA United States)
Fahnline, John B.
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA United States)
Pai, Suresh
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA United States)
Dershem, Brian
(Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA United States)
Date Acquired
August 17, 2013
Publication Date
March 1, 1996
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Workshop: Advances in Smart Materials for Aerospace Applications
Subject Category
Aircraft Stability And Control
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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