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Durable High-Density Data StorageThe focus ion beam (FIB) micromilling process for data storage provides a new non-magnetic storage method for archiving large amounts of data. The process stores data on robust materials such as steel, silicon, and gold coated silicon. The storage process was developed to provide a method to insure the long term storage life of data. We estimate that the useful life of data written on silicon or gold-coated silicon to be on the order of a few thousand years without the need to rewrite the data every few years. The process uses an ion beam to carve material from the surface, much like stone cutters in ancient civilizations removed material from stone. The deeper the information is carved into the media, the longer the expected life of the information. The process can record information in three formats: (1) binary at densities of 23 Gbits/square inch, (2) alphanumeric at optical or non-optical density, and (3) graphical at optical and non-optical density. The formats can be mixed on the same media; and thus, it is possible to record, in a human-viewable format, instructions that can be read using an optical microscope. These instructions provide guidance on reading the remaining higher density information.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Lamartine, Bruce C.
(Los Alamos National Lab. NM United States)
Stutz, Roger A.
(Los Alamos National Lab. NM United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
September 1, 1996
Publication Information
Publication: Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies
Volume: 2
Subject Category
Documentation And Information Science
Report/Patent Number
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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